October 31, 2007

My First Time to Leave My Hometown to College

[My I2 Writing-1]  This is a narrative paragraph which describes a story by time order. It's also an unforgettable story in my life because it makes me recall my dear mother.

I will never forget my first time to leave my hometown to college. Before I became a college student, I had never left my hometown — Kaohsiung, the biggest city in southern Taiwan — for eighteen years, so I decided to choose a school which is far from there to meet the new world. On that day, I left my home with my mother and elder sister May. We took a train at midnight and arrived at dawn in Taoyuan where is three hundred kilometers away from Kaohsiung. I remember a typhoon was attacking Taiwan that day, so just a few people were on the streets. We took a taxi from the railway station to my school. About an hour later, we arrived at my dormitory, and I met one of my roommates Lee. My mother and May went to a shop in campus and bought some things for me. They helped me to set up my bed and desk; then, we went to a restaurant and ate some noodles for lunch. We didn’t talk too much, and they went back home in the afternoon. I could tell that my mother worried about me pretty much, but she never told me that and just wanted me to call home sometimes. I had three roommates, and we always talked about the new life in college, hobbies, classes, and our hometowns and families. I met many new friends and joined a lot of activities held by my department. I really loved the new life in college, but sometimes I still felt lonely because I missed my family, friends, and my dog in my hometown.

October 01, 2007


不知如何講述這幾天的心情,我是真的很喜歡 TIM,一種欣賞的心情。佩瑩說這是精神外遇,也許!對我來說,總可以理性地把愛跟欣賞分清楚,這算不算是一種壓抑?我永遠都記得在系圖小杜傳來的那張紙條。從認識他的第一刻,我就知道他是我喜歡的那種男生--陽光男孩,不管遭遇多少挫折與現實,他總是可以很樂觀地面對,臉上總是帶著笑容。在我所經歷的世界裡,很少看到這樣的男生,我選擇保留這個美好的回憶。:-)
到了ASU,第一次見到 TIM ,是在講述美國簽證相關規定的 Orientation,只覺得他是個嚴肅傢伙,還是掌握生殺大權的 Student Adviser,很難親近的樣子。很慶幸他是我的文法老師,這是他唯一在AECP上的課,我卻幸運地當上他的學生,也讓我有機會認識這個大男生。上星期五,在開往Grand Canyon的路上,他坐我旁邊,一路上這位文學碩士竟然跟我講了很多 Arizona的環境跟生態、電影、小說、冒險故事跟他親愛的老婆。我們帶了一樣的水壺(佩瑩的)跟穿一樣的背心,我在Bright Angel幫他拿了兩次咖啡,我們兩個在回程的路上各自啃著自己的小說。有時候,你總是會對這種很神奇的巧合感到興奮。一樣的,我喜歡上了 TIM的笑容。
我當然最愛我家的帥哥,尤其現在離他很遠,沒有爭吵的機會。:p 雖然他很機車,從不懂逗我開心,但我最喜歡我們兩個神奇的故事跟同樣的生日數字。經歷過時間考驗的總是真實。