September 25, 2008


Penny冰帽(Penny Ice Cap)是加拿大最南端的大冰帽,位於Baffin島,高度可達約1,900公尺。就像其他北半球的冰川及冰帽,Penny冰帽正逐漸變薄,而且河谷冰川也在近數十年內縮減。2004年一項針對此地進行的研究,利用美國太空總署(NASA)19952000年的航空雷射流任務所獲得的資料顯示,冰帽的高度以每年1公尺的速度在降低,然而,科學家並不確定氣候變遷(全球暖化)及小冰期(Little Ice Age)結束以來對冰帽的衰退各造成多少程度的影響。


雖然一些在Penny冰帽的變化發生地十分緩慢,但經過數十年或百年後,其他的變化就會變得十分明顯。2008年盛夏之際,在Penny冰帽所位處的Auyuittuq國家公園(Auyuittuq National Park)內,持續兩週空前的高溫,伴隨雨水降在冰雪和永凍層上,造成公園南邊有大量融水湧出,不但沖垮了一座橋,所引發的侵蝕及地滑(由於永凍層的融化)破壞了一部份的步道。

Abdalati, W., Krabill, W., Frederick, E., Manizade, S., Martin, C., Sonntag, J., Swift, R., Thomas, R., Yungel, J., and Koerner, R. (2004). Elevation changes of ice caps in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Journal of Geophysical Ressearch, 109, F04007.

NASA影像是由Jesse Allen利用馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland)全球土地覆蓋數據數據庫(Global Land Cover Facility, GLCF)及美國地調所(United States Geological Survey)所提供的對地衛星資料繪成。由Rebecca Lindsey完成圖說。感謝NASA哥達德太空飛行中心(Goddard Space Flight Center) Claire Parkinson協助影像解釋。


September 07, 2008

Han's Joke

Here is Han's another joke although last Sat. when I released him for a little break, he run out the field. It made me angry that I didn't mention he would be out of control like that. Okey! I should recall the funny thing that makes me smile.

Aug. 31 night, when I took Han home, we met Rainbow's masters (Rainbow is a four-month-old female golden-retriever). Han treated them as old friends whom have not seem for a long time and he even laid down on the street. I told them maybe sometimes they can take Rainbow to our lab to let them two cute dogs play together. (Actually, they took Rainbow to my lab next night that's Han's fourth birthday!!) It was a little late, so after about 15minutes, we said goodbye to each other.

On the way we went home, there is a guy took a bowl of instant noodles with him just several steps ahead. Han was so happy to see him and trying to say hello in his special way--jumping and biting someone. I stopped him even though the guy looked like to say hello to Han too, but he soon realized that Han is an over excited dog!! ^^: I took Han across the street, but he still was excited about approaching the guy over the street. I yelled "what are you doing?" to stop him, and the guy said "I just want to get across the street." with a scared tone. ^^:

Do you like this one? There's another one. I'll tell you later......:-)

September 03, 2008

Han's Diary 20080903

