October 05, 2011



紫娥老師說的,"為學如登山", "做研究是最悠哉的工作". 這幾句話倒成了最近回到我腦子裡的一些迴響.  一直都在等待靈感, 就連做個簡介摺頁, 都在等那個神來一筆的感覺.

How to increase your writing words?  Do you believe that the words you can recognize (listen, speak and read) are twice or triple times more than those you can use (write)?  It's hard to believe to me, but when I write a short paragraph, it's difficult for me to replace words for a similar meaning.  A lot to improve.

孟子曰: 天將降大任斯人也, 必先苦其心志, 勞其筋骨, 餓其體膚, 空乏其身, 行拂亂其所為, 所以動心忍性, 增益其所不能.  --這裡的"所以動心忍性" 正如鄭式太極中彎弓射虎一氣呵成的態勢, 令人痛快!! :-)